Jo Lernouts Speech Technology Innovator Speech at Kiwanis Service Club Event in DiksmuideJo Lernout's Speech at Kiwanis Service Club Event in Diksmuide

Jo Lernout gave a speech in June 2024 at the Kiwanis Service Club event in Diksmuide. The event, which focuses on community service and helping others, was a perfect setting for his talk.

The evening started with a warm welcome from the Kiwanis members. Jo Lernout then shared his experiences and talked about the exciting work he’s done in technology. He highlighted his time with Lernout & Hauspie and mentioned his interactions with notable figures like Bill Gates. His speech was both informative and inspiring.

The audience, which included local leaders, business people, and community members, really enjoyed the talk. Jo Lernout’s speech provided useful lessons on innovation and perseverance, fitting well with the Kiwanis Service Club’s goal of making positive changes in the community.